Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Yesterday... no bueno... tooday... bueno!

okay, so the surgery goes off without a hitch!  but they can't decide on effective pain medication cause i'm allergic to morphine.  so first they start me on a pump of demerol, but for it to be any where neart effective, i have to push the pump every 8 minutes!  now if I happen to doze off, then i won't have pushed the button for the next chance.  so i was  always chasing the pain instead of being on top of it!  so then, later in the evening, they  started giving me shots of daludid (?)  and another shot and tylenol, and i caught up at last.  this am i was in control of the pain and walked to the bathroom (i hate bedpans) and walked down the hall and around my room.  anyway, more tomorrow, when i have it for more time, (I hope) i never had a cathater, got the i.v. out this am, so i'm good to go if i could just poop! i've had one laxative and still nothing!  but i'm working on it!

1 comment:

  1. yay! have a prune or two ;-D good luck! glad you avoided the bed pan and catheter.
