Sunday, January 16, 2011

January 16, 2011

Well, sadya is gone to toronto, and gammie is in the rehab center after her surgery, which was on the 7th. she is doing, i guess, as well as any 88 year old would be doing who has been in constant pain for the last 5 years and who was unable to walk toward the end of the wait.  she just doesn't want to do the physio. she finally got a physio therapist that she likes so she is finally doing the exercises. nikki, comes everyday, and warren and blair alternate during the evening.  i call about three times a day.
Meanwhile, i can do steps now, and walk unassisted totally.  still using the handicapped sticker cause the hip gets tired after a trip to the grocery store.  gotta see the football game, so more, hopefully, tomorrow.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

January 2, 2011

well, new year.  christmas was very quiet cause none of the kids could come home.  sadya is soooo popular now that she's leaving it will be a wonder if she gets packed in time to go!  gammie had a couple of really bad weeks where jr was picking her up every night... she was on some pain medication that made her loopy as hell and she couldn't function.  talked to maria about it and we took her off everything.  just motrin and tylenol.  she is much better but i have to take her to the bathroom which is wrecking my nights!  warren brought over a baby monitor and that is making it easier.  her surgery is friday and neither one of us can wait.  i am hoping she is a lot better when she comes home and can get her self to the bathroom. 

Today marks 2 months from my surgery, and all is going well.  doctor said i can drive and i can break the 90 degree angle, so that is good.  it of course snowed when i went for my checkup but i made it.   the doctor sent a note to physio for them to start range of motion exercises, but they haven't yet, so i went on the internet and got 4 exercises that i am now incorporating into my exercises.   i have kamau  trying to find me a small tens machine and with that i can eliminate physio for the most part. 

sadya leaves teusday and gammie has her surgery on friday.  it will be a very strange break, and will be strange for a while.  we'll have to get sadya a webcam so we can skype on a regular basis.

 more later...