Tuesday, February 22, 2011

andaluzian flu

february 22, 2011

i know i'ts been a while, but the hip is healing fine.  i am to have the second hip done on march 3.  meanwhile, saturday last, i got the flu.  for all the stand off i've had against flu shots (and there have been many) and not getting one for years,,.. thinking, (i'll take my chances)  i now say GET THE DAMN SHOT!  this is AWFUL! it's like on the bill cosby show when the parents got the andaluzian flu! my eyelashes hurt!  non functioning for days!  but i did cut it short, but i'ts not for the feint of heart.
it takes 4 hot toddys every 24 hours and eating and sleeping in between.  it cut it short for me.  i did it cause i need to get over it by the time of surgery.  and i ain't got time for this mess!  my advice, GET THE DAMN SHOT!  this is hell warmed over! LOL  but i am getting better and i will get caught up in a few days.
more later,

Sunday, February 6, 2011

february 6, 2011

okay, so it's been a while,... but a lot of stuff has happened.  my mom got out of rehab too early, she had her hip done  Jan 7, and went to rehab facility for a week and a half, and then she came home against doctors wishes.  so she was home, and were exercising and icing and stuff and then on feb 3rd she fell while i was in the shower.  hurt her knee a bit and couldn't put weight on the left knee.  so she had to get that checked out and then realized she came out of rehab too early and went back.  she is doing good, and hopefully she will be home soon and can function.

meanwhile i go back in march 3, for my right hip.  prayers are welcome, and i think it will all be fine.  my plan... salsa by july! :-)